Sunday, July 28, 2013

It's Consignment Sale Time

It's consignment sale time!  I've been shopping consignment sales for the last 5 years.  I started when I was pregnant with S-I found almost all my maternity clothes there and when she was closer to being born, I found tons of baby gear and clothes.  I never sold her things, thinking we might have another child one day (while never imagining we would have TWINS), so F is getting all of her sister's hand me downs, and I shop the sales for S and C.

This spring I started selling F & C's clothes. Wow! It's been a real eye opener.  Pinning and tagging are a lot more time consuming that I imagined, especially with three little ones needing me. But in the end, I've made good money-enough to pay for half of S's preschool tuition for this year.

I'm selling at two sales this season, one ended yesterday, and the other one is in a couple weeks.  Since I don't have many "big" items and sell most things for $5 or less, I'm not expecting a huge payday like in the spring.  But it will be nice to have some space back in our house and get some new things.

Do you have consignment sales in your area?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summertime TV

Wow.  That was a long blog break.  I guess I've been busy this summer.

With three little ones, 4 & under, it seems my days are filled.  And I'm too exhausted at night to do anything but maybe watch a little TV before hitting the sack.

Recently, I have become a Scandal addict.  I watched the first two seasons within two weeks!

Love me some Olivia Pope!! I can't wait until October 3rd.

I've tried a few other shows, but haven't really gotten into them.  House of Cards, Orange is the New Black. Meh.

But, then I found Political Animals on Netflix.  It's about a former First Lady. During her Southern husband's Presidential term, he had some affairs, but she stood by him. Later, she ran for President, but lost--and was then appointed Secretary of State.  Sound familiar?

It's only a 6 episode "mini series" that aired on USA Network. :-(

What should I try next?  Apparently Washington, D.C. is on my mind.